Benefits of Decluttering and Closet Storage Ideas
If piles of clutter seem to loom over your life, but the thought of decluttering seems impossibly overwhelming, you are not alone. Since closets are prime real estate for storage but are also where so much clutter ends up, hopefully out of sight out of mind, we're going to discuss how to organize a small closet to keep it clutter-free and usable for its intended purpose.
Tackling clutter can be a big job, so we recommend starting with a manageable part of your home, such as a small closet. You'll be amazed at how good it will make you feel, and you might even be inspired to declutter another space in your home. Storage and organization stores like Old Time Pottery can help!
Health benefits of decluttering and organizing include:
Reduces depression, stress, and anxiety – a cluttered space can keep you from relaxing at the end of the day, affecting your sleep, mood, and health. The more stuff, the more stress and anxiety. Keeping clutter in check and organized can help you feel more relaxed.
More space – when everything is organized and stored, you have more physical space. You may be able to bring a chair into your bedroom that would have otherwise been occupied with closet overflow. Or, you may find that you have more storage space in your closet than you realized.
More time and energy – when you're not running around trying to find things, you'll have more time to relax, sleep later in the morning, or even time for hobbies. When your space is clear, you'll feel more energized and less stressed.
Boosts productivity and creativity – not only is clutter distracting, but it can also affect your ability to focus. When you look at too many things at once, you overload your brain and its ability to process information. Dividing your attention in this way makes it hard to focus and concentrate.
Improves Sleep – falling asleep in a cluttered space can cause poor sleep and disrupt your sleep cycle. Decluttering and organizing your closet are the first steps to decluttering your space.
It's clear that clutter can affect every area of your life, not just your ability to find what you need when you need it. If you need the motivation to declutter your space, the closet storage ideas below will help you get started.
How to Organize Your Closet
If you've been inspired to start decluttering and organizing, a small closet is a great place to start. It will give you a feeling of accomplishment that could lead to more decluttering. Learn how to organize a small closet by following these six simple steps. You'll be surprised how much time you save when it is simple to find everything in its place.
Step 1: Declutter
The first step is always the hardest, but once you tackle it, you're on your way to an organized, clutter-free closet. Remove everything from the closet and sort it into categories. Putting categories of things together helps you see how much you have of each type of item. Once you've done this, sort the items into keep, donate, garbage, or to be moved elsewhere in your home.
Remember, the mission is to declutter, not just move things to another space in your home. If you haven't used it in over a year, forgot you had it and have replaced it, don't what it is, or have lost the other half of something, or it is expired or out-of-date, get rid of it. Get rid of anything that is torn, stained, or broken. Donate any items that are in good condition but that you no longer use.
Step 2: Take Stock of What You Are Keeping
Before you begin reworking the storage situation and purchase storage bins for your closet, take stock of what you are keeping and need to store. Are you storing sheets, comforters, or quilts? Extra cleaning or dog washing supplies? Make sure you have the correct type of storage bins or baskets for the items you'll be putting in them and that they will fit on the shelves of your closet.
Step 3: Measure Your Space
Before you get your storage bins, measure your space. This will also help you determine how much you can fit in your closet. If you need to reconfigure your shelving by adding shelves, removing shelves, or adjusting their height, this is the time to do it. Another option is to use stackable storage containers.
Step 4: Optimize Your Door and Floor Space
Large baskets or bins will clear up floor space and keep oversized items conveniently stowed away. Hooks and hanging organizers let you store easy-to-reach items on the closet door. These two areas are the most forgotten storage space in a small closet. It's a great place to store small, flat items. Repurpose a shoe caddy and fill it with small linens, liquid soap, and sunscreen to keep things you use regularly neat, organized, and quickly found.
Step 5: Repack Your Closet
Using your storage baskets or bins, neatly repack everything into the closet. Keep frequently used items at eye level and less frequently used ones on top shelves to keep them out of the way but still in sight. Use clear storage or make pretty labels for storage baskets. This way, you'll know where everything is and won't have to hunt around for things you need.
Step 6: Keep It Organized
Once you've got every neatly organized – a place for everything and everything in its place – here's how to keep it that way. If you stay on top of it daily, you won't have to do the big purge and organization deal again. It can take practice to remember to put things back where they belong, but the more often you remember to do so, the closer you are to forming a new habit.
Keeping a closet organized is not a set-and-forget type of thing. If you notice your closet becoming cluttered again, take some time to re-organize and do a mini purge if needed. Make a schedule and give your closet a quick once-over for excess clutter every other month.
When it’s time to declutter and reorganize any room in your home, stop by Old Time Pottery to find all the storage and organization supplies you need.
Real Life Closet Makeover
Hostess Jo is on the blog this week to show her tips and tricks for an organized linen closet.
Happy New Year!
I don't know about you, but the new year always feels like a great time to clean out and organize. Two things I hate doing! I am not good at keeping closets and cabinets neat, I admit. I guess if its out of sight, its out of my mind. The thing is, is it really out of mind? Every time you open the door there is the mess staring back at you. And when you're not looking at it, its haunting you. I've been reading a lot about the impact clutter can make on your well being. Let me tell you, it's not good!
So for 2020 my word is "simplify" or "simplicity". This can apply to all aspects of life not just your home. Home is where I'm starting though.
Without further ado,
I now present to you, my "Monica Closet"...
Pretty terrible, right??
When Old Time Pottery reached out to work together on a storage blog, I was thrilled. They have baskets of every shape, size and color to fit your needs.
First I had to get all of this mess cleaned out.
I mean, anyone need a blanket?!
I found baby washcloths in there and my youngest is 6!
I donated most everything in this closet. If we didn't use it, its gone. Then I measured my shelves and closet space.
Now onto the fun shopping trip at Old Time Pottery! I new I wanted baskets to keep everything contained and neat looking. They have so many to choose from!
I took my trusty tape measure with me to the store to make sure my choices would fit on the shelves.
They had several baskets in just the size I was looking for.
After I made sure they would fit I began sorting and folding.
Now everything has a home! I just love the color and texture of these baskets. The hamper is super big and I love the square shape.
So simple and clean now! I divided my linens into tablecloths, towels, sheets, blankets and the large hamper is for our camper linens. I named it "Camper Hamper"!
Its great to have everything in its own space and nothing at the bottom of the closet!
I folded our extra quilts and placed them on the top shelf.
I knew I needed labels for these baskets or I would never remember what went where. I found these cute black chalkboard tags and white chalk marker. I love how they stand out against the baskets.
I tied them with twine and that's it!

This round basket is also from Old Time Pottery from a previous shopping trip! They are so reasonably priced too.

I hope this closet makeover has inspired you to tackle some clutter. Thank you so much to Old Time Pottery for providing all of my storage needs! Be sure to check them out!
Now on to the other closets haunting me!