This week on the blog, Rebecca Anne shows us how to go all out for the Fourth of July with less than $100 at Old Time Pottery!
Welcome to our home! Let’s talk about decorating for holidays such as the 4th of July. I know that sometimes it seems frivolous to decorate for smaller holidays, but if you think about it most July 4th Decor can also be used for Memorial Day and Labor Day. Also, you don’t have to go all out and spend a fortune decorating your entire home. Today I’m going to show you 3 ideas to spruce up your house for the 4th without having to break the bank.
First off, think about your favorite spot in your home to decorate and group all your items there. That way it looks like you went all out! I have 3 favorites spots that are my go-to's: my fireplace, my coffee bar, and a table centerpiece. You could use just one of these spots and be totally festive!
Next, find anything red or blue in your home and pull those things out. I had a red lantern from Christmas that I brought out. I also had some red candle holders and red coffee mugs. You would be so surprised what you can find around your house to go with a few Americana items and voila you're patriotic!
I’ll start by showing you guys what I did for my dining room table centerpiece:
For this centerpiece, I pulled out red mugs, white flowers, found Americana paper plates and napkins at Old Time Pottery for around $1.50. I put all the red and blue items I could find in there and it couldn’t be more festive! Next up is my coffee bar:
Again, for my coffee bar, I used my red coffee tins, red coffee mugs, checked table cloth and all of the cute signs I found at Old Time Pottery. Seriously they have the cutest Americana decor!! Lastly is my fireplace:
For my fireplace, I left all of my vintage goodies and antiques up and just added to it. Let’s be honest, what goes together better than Americana and antiques?! I spent less than $100 at Old Time Pottery for everything I needed to get my house ready to celebrate the 4th and can use it all again for Labor Day and Memorial Day!! You can get so creative and really make your home so patriotic and beautiful for the 4th without spending a ton of money! I hope you all have a wonderful Independence Day!! ~Becca @rebeccaannehome